Monday, December 9, 2019

Investigation on Cyber Security Threat

Question: Discuss about the Investigation on Cyber Security Threat. Answer: Introduction The invention of the computer brought a revolutionary change in the daily life of the human beings. It was thought to be a blessing for the humankind. Years after the discovery of the machine turned out to be blessing in disguise for the humanity. The main reason behind it is a crime committed using this device (McClain et al. 2015). Cyber Security is evaluated on the security, access, storage and integration of data through various electronic modes. The report deals with the threat characterization of the cyber security threats, the investigation methods acquired in resolving the threats and various types of threats the cyber security threats provides and the measures taken against them. Threat Characterizing According to Cavelty, and Mauer, (2016) the national security agencies, as well as the enforcement of the law, are recently facing various types of cyber threats. McMahon, Bressler, and Bressler, (2016) claimed that the result provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation inferred that around $233 through credit card and $3000 check fraud per complaint is reported by Morning Herald. Bhatti, and Sami, (2015) argued the top cyber crime that happened and the complaint that was lodged against it is in the field of Non-delivery of the merchandise that was ordered online, fraud in the area of auction, credit and debit card, computer fraud and the financial institution fraud. The investigation of the cyber crime faced significant challenges that include the tactics of application, cooperation from the parties on whom the investigation is done and setting up regular operation on the legal frameworks. Kuhlthau, (2015) cited that the threat modelling involves the identification of the critical system by creating interconnections drawings and data flow of the programs at a high level. It also includes the identification of the threat and the analysis of it. Non delivery of the merchandise that was ordered online Fraud in the field of auction Credit and debit card forgery. computer fraud and financial institution fraud Investigation Process Traditional process: According to Cavelty, and Mauer, (2016), the inquiry process is setup for the traditional investigation. McClain et al., (2015) showed that the solving of the crime is critical as the decision to be made after a depth investigation. The factors like technical as well as physical evidence help in determining the solution. According to Sharif et al., (2015) the evaluation of the severity of the damages is based on the on the solution. Thakur et al., (2015) claimed that the primary consideration regarding the case of the cyber crime is the elimination of the threats and the prosecution that are possible for eliminating the risk regarding the cybercrime. The trial possibilities are the decision taken by the Assistant of U.S attorney in the concerned district where the crime occurred. Kott, (2014) showed that the prerequisites provided by the legislation shows a significant restriction that investigation process might faces. If the incurred loss is not that much sever e, then the conduction of prosecution is impossible at the level of federal. Nobles et al., (2014) illustrated that the loss that is insufficient and if the charge is done against that crime without the permission of U.S. attorneys, it is considered to be the violation of the law. The attorney must agree with the investigators for prosecuting the case. In a case of this small cybercrime, the local police mostly solve the cases. The investigations regarding the cybercrime are dealt based on case-by-case basis. Hi-tech Cops: The devices like the software and other electronic devices helps to track and gather the evidence against the criminals who performed the crime online. This technique could be used to identify the hackers who use the worm viruses and the malware leading to the damage of billion dollars (Mcmahon, Bressler and Bressler 2016). This method is also known as pen or trap device, which helps in intercepting online based communication in real time. It also helps in decoding the encrypted codes and the password of a suspected device. McMahon, Bressler, and Bressler, (2016) showed that the use of Hitech Cops is done in Florida that saves an amount of around 10 million dollars for the government. Therefore, the trace was easily obtainable by the police squad. Cyber Squad: Thakur et al., (2015) illustrated that method is primarily used to fight against the computer intrusions, hackers and spreading of software that is malicious. Paek et al., (2014) cited that the investigation reflected that the Federal Bureau incorporates the use of Infragard that helps in sharing and integration of information regarding the cybercrime. The FBI and US Department of Justice have a governmental unit on cyber-crime and the internet criminals. Online Undercover: According to McClain et al., (2015), the online undercover method applies that the investigator should be under cover that is the person on whom the investigation is carried should not know his identity. Andress, and Winterfeld, (2013) claimed that this helps in identifying the criminals through series of chats that are performed by the investigator keeping is identity secret. Findings of the Investigations Related to the Cyber Crime and the Measures Taken Type of Cyber Attack Definition Mechanism Measures Cyber Stalking A person internet chat is tracked and followed The electronic communications like instant messages, posted message in the website and e-mail. Personal information should not be disclosed regarding the internet chat and any interactions regarding electronic media (Nobles et al. 2014). Intellectual crime regarding property The source code is tampered. The source code is accessed and manipulation of the code. The authentication should be strong and technical measures should be taken for preventing the leakage of the data (Bhatti and Sami 2015). Phishing The financial frauds occurring in the electronic banking sector. The techniques of social engineering for committing the identity theft are used. The turning down of the phishing websites on an immediate basis (Gupta et al. 2016). The awareness of phishing attack should be present among the users. Data Theft Stealing the data The system is been hacked and the malicious methods are used. The system should be secured and measures should be introduced to prevent the leakage of data (Sharif et al. 2015). Worms like Trojan Horses Various types of hacking mechanisms. The methods of installing the hacking software and the propagation of the malicious code. Installation of the anti malware systems. Conclusion The methods, as well as the findings of the investigation, show that if the investigated methods are applied, then the cyber crime could be minimised. The email, security and the firewalls are affected too much due to the threats of the cyber security. The economy, safety and the public are very much affected due to the security threat. The cyber security threat is one of the most dangerous crimes that is making the entire world affected. Recommendations Recommendation for Traditional process: The most significant limitation in the enquiry process of the traditional investigation process is that the risk and threats of prosecution. The traditional enquiry process is applied during the investigation of small and local crimes. It limitation in the investigation can be eliminated by ensuing the official permission from the US attorneys and agreement of the prosecutors. Recommendation for Hi-tech Cops: Before applying and using the Hi-Tech cops process for the investigation, the police crime department should anticipate the risk involved with the new technologies and financial resource required. The police department should implement a tradeoff between the technological benefits and procurement cost of the process. Recommendation for Cyber Squad: In the investigation process revolving Cyber Squad, the specialized team must involve themselves completely for the continuous monitoring and controlling of the crime over the internet. Recommendation for Online Undercover: The process of online undercover investigation process, must be equipped with continuous monitoring of the operation and investigation. In addition to that, the investigation department must have the permission of the government for accessing the information. Reference List Andress, J. and Winterfeld, S., 2013.Cyber warfare: techniques, tactics and tools for security practitioners. 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