Thursday, December 26, 2019

Shakespeare s Othello, Iago And From Game Of Thrones

The difference in character from â€Å"Othello’s†, Iago and from â€Å"Game of Thrones†, Jorah Mormont is striking, Iago is evil and vindictive to the core, while Jorah used to spy on Daenerys, but fell in love with her instead. In Shakespeare â€Å"Othello† Iago clamors â€Å"I hate the moor†, this man is Othello, and is his chosen enemy. Iago, prays on his leaders weakness attempting to thoroughly destroy him. Jorah’s heart leads him to seek and follow the truth about his new master he serves. They are both complex individual’s who wish to gain something from or for their leaders. Going back in time, we will learn what makes each character tick and why they made the choices they did. This will show the clear difference between them. Iago is a jealous, power-hungry, man who wishes to destroy his military commanders (Othello) happiness over a promotion that was passed up for less experienced man. In â€Å"Seduction and Damnation of Ot hello,† Christofides writes that Iago â€Å"maliciously uses equivocation† to control Othello. This is seen as the story unfolds. Iago employs a wealthy; heart broken, foolish Roderigo, who is in love with Desdemona, Othellos new bride. Roderigo, is desperate to have Desdemona as his own, and a desperate man is a dangerous man. Iago, schemes up plots to destroy Othello by using the love sick Roderigo as his cover. In steps a man named Cassio, a close, loyal friend of Othellos. This is where the plot takes shape, as Iago tells Roderigo, that Desdemona

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